## GCN ISA VINTRP instructions The VINTRP instructions was designed to interpolate vertex attributes inside vertex shaders. However, it is possible to use these instructions inside OpenCL or any GPU program environment. Instructions requires access to LDS (local memory). List of fields for VINTRP encoding: Bits | Name | Description ------|----------|------------------------------ 0-7 | VSRC | Source vector register or interpolation parameter 8-9 | ATTRCHAN | Attribute channel 10-15 | ATTR | Attribute to interpolate 16-17 | OPCODE | Operation code 18-25 | VDST | Destination vector register 26-31 | ENCODING | Encoding type. Encoding type is 0b110010 for GCN 1.0/1.1 or 0b110101 for GCN 1.2/1.4. Syntax: INSTRUCTION VDST, VSRC, ATTR{ATTR_NUM}.{ATTRCHAN} * ATTR - attribute number in range 0-32 * ATTRCHAN - attribute channel: X - 0, Y - 1, Z - 2, W - 3 Attribute and attribute channel are case-insensitive. List of the instructions by opcode: Opcode | Mnemonic -------------|----------------------- 0 (0x0) | V_INTERP_P1_F32 1 (0x1) | V_INTERP_P2_F32 2 (0x2) | V_INTERP_MOV_F32 ### How is working interpolation The VINTRP instructions does the barycentric interpolation by using formulae: `P0 + I*P10 + J*P20`, where `I` and 'J' are coordinates; P0, P10 and P20 are parameters. 'I' and 'J' supplied in instruction source operand. P0, P10, and P20 are loaded from LDS (local memory). Initial configuration is specified in the M0 registers in form: * 0-15 bits - local memory offset * 16-30 bits - newprimmask - mask that specify what quad of lane process what primitive The newprimmask specify primitives for all wavefront lanes. Four lanes can process single primitive interpolation, so maximum number of primitives is 16. One in bit newprimmask begins new primitive from lane with number (BIT+1)*4. NewPrimMask skips first lane, because always begins new primitive. Number of set bits in newprimmask determines number of primitives plus one. Examples of newprimmask: The newprimmask 0b1010011: Lane ids | Processed primitive ---------|--------------------------------- 0-3 | 0 4-7 | 1 8-11 | 2 12-15 | 2 16-19 | 2 20-23 | 3 24-27 | 3 28-63 | 4 The layout in local memory is three-level. Primitive holds 12 floating points values for P0, P10, P20 for each channel. Each attribute holds parameters all primitives. A parameters are stored in order: Dword | Parameter and channel ------|------------------------------- 0 | P0.X 1 | P10.X 2 | P0.Y 3 | P10.Y 4 | P0.Z 5 | P10.Z 6 | P0.W 7 | P10.W 8 | P20.X 9 | P20.Y 10 | P20.Z 11 | P20.W Example layout for newprimmask 0b1010011: Offset | Primitive | Primitive | Primitive | Primitive -------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|------------------- 0 (0x0) | ATTR#0 PRIM#0 | ATTR#0 PRIM#1 | ATTR#0 PRIM#2 | ATTR#0 PRIM#3 192 (0xc0) | ATTR#0 PRIM#4 | ATTR#1 PRIM#0 | ATTR#1 PRIM#1 | ATTR#1 PRIM#2 384 (0x180) | ATTR#1 PRIM#3 | ATTR#1 PRIM#4 | ATTR#2 PRIM#0 | ATTR#2 PRIM#1 576 (0x240) | ATTR#2 PRIM#2 | ATTR#2 PRIM#3 | ATTR#2 PRIM#4 | ....... The offset does not include offset given in M0 register (you must add to it). ### Instruction set Alphabetically sorted instruction list: #### V_INTERP_MOV_F32 Opcode: 2 (0x2) Syntax: V_INTERP_MOV_F32 VDST, PARAMTYPE, ATTR.ATTRCHAN Description: Move parameter value into VDST. The PARAMTYPE is P0, P10 or P20. NOTE: The indices in LDS is dword indices. Operation: ``` UINT S = 12*(ATTR*NUMPRIM + PRIMID(LANEID>>2)) if (PARAMTYPE==P0) VDST[LANEID] = ASFLOAT(LDS[S + ATTRCHAN*2]) else if (PARAMTYPE==P10) VDST[LANEID] = ASFLOAT(LDS[S + ATTRCHAN*2 + 1]) else if (PARAMTYPE==P20) VDST[LANEID] = ASFLOAT(LDS[S + ATTRCHAN + 8]) ``` #### V_INTERP_P1_F32 Opcode: 0 (0x0) Syntax: V_INTERP_P1_F32 VDST, VSRC, ATTR.ATTRCHAN Description: Instruction does the first step of the interpolation (P0 + P10*I). The I coordinate given in VSRC register. NOTE: The indices in LDS is dword indices. NOTE: VDST and VSRC registers must not be same. Operation: ``` UINT S = 12*(ATTR*NUMPRIM + PRIMID(LANEID>>2)) FLOAT P0[LANEID] = ASFLOAT(LDS[S + ATTRCHAN*2]) FLOAT P10[LANEID] = ASFLOAT(LDS[S + ATTRCHAN*2 + 1]) VDST[LANEID] = P0[LANEID] + ASFLOAT(VSRC[LANEID]) * P10[LANEID] ``` #### V_INTERP_P2_F32 Opcode: 1 (0x1) Syntax: V_INTERP_P1_F32 VDST, VSRC, ATTR.ATTRCHAN Description: Instruction does the second step of the interpolation (P20*J + D). The J coordinate given in VSRC register. NOTE: The indices in LDS is dword indices. NOTE: VDST and VSRC registers must not be same. Operation: ``` UINT S = 12*(ATTR*NUMPRIM + PRIMID(LANEID>>2)) FLOAT P20[LANEID] = ASFLOAT(LDS[S + ATTRCHAN + 8]) VDST[LANEID] = ASFLOAT(VDST[LANEID]) + ASFLOAT(VSRC[LANEID]) * P20[LANEID] ```